Colombian’s Place will be serving four courses of traditional Colombian fare:
Tostones con Guacamole
Sobrebarriga en Salsa Criolle
Chorizo + Morcilla
Banana en Almibar
Beer Club Members: use code “beerclubtaste15” at checkout for 15% off
Seating Time:
Colombian’s Place will be serving four courses of traditional Colombian fare:
Tostones con Guacamole
Sobrebarriga en Salsa Criolle
Chorizo + Morcilla
Banana en Almibar
Beer Club Members: use code “beerclubtaste15” at checkout for 15% off
Colombian’s Place will be serving four courses of traditional Colombian fare:
Tostones con Guacamole
Sobrebarriga en Salsa Criolle
Chorizo + Morcilla
Banana en Almibar
Beer Club Members: use code “beerclubtaste15” at checkout for 15% off